iEMSs 2022 Conference - Brussels, Belgium

iEMSs 2006


Burlington, Vermont, USA

The aim of the Summit is to enhance sustainability outcomes and decision processes by:

  • Establishing the state-of-the-art in Environmental Modelling and Software theory and practice for integrated assessment and management
  • Identifying research and practice for advancing the requisite knowledge base and tools, and their wider usage
  • Initiating and consolidating research partnerships for systematic studies that acquire, capture and generate knowledge platforms
Join our on-line discussions NOW to contribute to the products of the conference.
  • The conference contains a number of thematic workshops that will be run in parallel to traditional paper presentation sessions
  • Workshops for each theme are focused on specific questions identified by people who nominated themselves as participants before the conference using the iEMSs 2006 BLOG
  • The final day of the conference will have a 'plenary' session where workshop organizers present on the progress and outcomes of the workshops
  • Workshop organizers and participants are expected to co-author papers from the workshop discussions, which will be published as part of the Elsevier IDEA book series and which would be focused on achieving the conference aims