iEMSs 2022 Conference - Brussels, Belgium

iEMSs 2022 - Session E.4

New and Improved Methods in Agricultural Systems Modelling

Stream    : E - Solutions and application for environmental problems

Session Leader: Val Snow (AgResearch, New Zealand), Ioannis Athanasiadis (Wageningen University & Research, the Netherlands), Dean Holzworth (CSIRO Agriculture and Food, Australia)

Sustainable food-energy-water systems and emerging technologies raise challenges for modelling agricultural systems.  We must move beyond modelling uniform fields of annual crops to address the issues at the core of this Congress.  Models must be designed to deal with complex production systems: which vary spatially (e.g. widely-spaced agroforestry, skip-row cropping); where management exacerbates heterogeneity (e.g. residue management in oil palm plantations, nutrient transfers by livestock); or where the boundaries of the spatial unit are fluid in time (e.g. land that is a community resource).

Agricultural models and their software need to be continually improved to accommodate these needs.  We encourage submissions that focus on new/improved methods/approaches (rather than examples of usage) in order that the agricultural modellers can learn as a community.